We are pleased to share that we have unlocked both Phase 2 and Phase 3 for beta testing. This includes the character builder, digital character sheet, homebrew content creation, and the first steps of campaign management.
Your help so far in the beta has been incredible and appreciated. In short, you're all pretty epic. As we've said from the beginning, we favor the same approach that Wizards of the Coast has taken with Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition when it comes to testing. Playtesting has been instrumental in making the game what it is today. We are excited to get these features into players' hands to continue to get the feedback we need to prepare for launch.
On that note, please remember that this is indeed beta testing - not everything you see here is in its final form. We want to get this out to start getting feedback. Some features are not included because they're not quite polished enough yet. Some others are not included because we want to focus initial testing in certain areas. Some features might not be included in the final product if the community provides feedback that they don't accomplish what we set out to do. Still other entirely new features could be added as a result of feedback.
We have worked hard and are proud of what we are sharing with you now, but we absolutely want to hear from you and make it the best it can be.