Help Text
Help text is turned on by default - it's helpful for most players starting out with the builder. You can turn it off or back on by clicking/ tapping the (?) icon in the builder header:
Player Choices
Throughout the builder, things that require your attention will be marked with an icon (!) as seen here:
We will be adding to this system through the end of beta, but look for these in order to make the choices that are needed to complete character creation. Never forget to choose a Tool Proficiency for your dwarf again!
Sheet Readiness
In the builder, a blank character is created as soon as you enter the process to better protect your work. Until a character has certain essential parameters defined (Race, Class, Ability Scores), you cannot access either the digital sheet or export your character (available later in the beta).
Once a race, class, and ability scores are determined, the character is now "Sheet Ready." At this stage in the beta, you can now view the character's digital character sheet. You will know that a character is sheet ready when the character sheet icon activates, as seen here:
My Characters Page
Once a character is created, you will be able to access it on your 'My Characters' page.
This page lists all of your created characters and allows you to view, edit, or delete characters.
You can access the page from the Characters section of the main nav, the profile menu, or by visiting[insert your profile name]/characters.