The new map pack is not a sourcebook or adventure - which we have categorized as digital content - and is not included in the Legendary Bundle or it's discount. The only type of products we have offered to purchase up to this point have been in this sourcebook and adventure category, and the intent has always been (and will continue to be) to include those products in the Legendary Bundle.
The map pack is obviously digital, but it is the first product in a new category that we call digital maps. When looking at the type of product it is, one can reasonably see that it is widely divergent from any of the other products in the digital content category.
To further elaborate, our decision considered "Would the majority of the community be happy if this map pack - and the several others we are likely to introduce - were included in the Legendary Bundle therefore upping its price?" The answer in all of our research was "no." We decided to make a separate category, and we are likely to see additional types of bundles in the future - including a digital maps-based bundle, that would apply its own forward-looking discounts. We will also likely see other product categories emerge, whether that's theme customization elements, audio/ sounds, or other visual assets. There is no way those would make any sense to include in the spirit and intent of the Legendary Bundle, and the digital maps category didn't either for us. Especially with the number of new product offerings expanding majorly through the next couple of years.
This path will ensure that the Legendary Bundle remains as affordable and compelling as it is now for the future. Feel free to let us know if you would like a refund on the new map pack (even if it is to wait for the eventual Map Pack Bundle). If you purchase it now and choose to buy the bundle later, you will get previous purchase credit to apply towards it.