Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQs
- Cyber Monday Sale 2021
- Subscriber Perks FAQ
- Where and how can I provide feedback or ask questions?
- Manuale del Giocatore FAQ
- Italian Player's Handbook FAQ
- Help! I am getting an error when exporting my character sheet.
Billing & Subscription FAQs
- Gift System FAQ
- Why is the Legendary Bundle discount not applied to the Tactical Maps Reincarnated content?
- What is Compendium Content and how is that different to the full Sourcebook?
- Are the digital sourcebooks available offline?
- Will there be an additional charge for the mobile application?
- I can't afford all of the books I would like immediately - will there be discounted sales later?
- Is my old Reader app still going to work after app consolidation?
- How much storage space is needed to support all sourcebook downloads?
- How do I delete bookmarks on the app?
- Help! I received an error after purchase on the app!
- Help! I am having trouble logging into the app!
- Is there an app to download? How do I access this on my tablet or phone?
Homebrew FAQ
- I created a baby or giant version of an existing monster and it was rejected - why is that?
- I published my homebrew, but it has been rejected, due to copyright? What does that mean and how do I avoid that again?
- I published my homebrew, but now I want to make a change to it. Why can't I delete/edit the published version?
- Can I share my homebrew with others in my campaign, without submitting it as public homebrew?
- How do I publish my homebrew, so that others can see it?
- What is an "element"?