Campaign/ Session Prep



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    Sampaige Ts

    I would like to expand upon this. It would be fantastic to have a section devoted specifically to building campaigns. Tabs for world information like locations, NPCs, pantheons, and notes about characters. It sometimes gets complicated having to go into everyone’s character sheets to remember little details. Maybe a battle map page with a section for each pc.

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    Machines Will Rise

    What if instead of tabs, you could customise it into a style that suited your note taking style? So you could have tabs for those who like the filing cabinet sort of format, but if you didn't want that, you could organise it as a mind map instead?

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    Jamie Butt

    You know what would help me manage my campaign the most? A calendar\scheduling page where my players can sign up for sessions or just see who's in and who's out for a particular session.

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    Sky Pettett

    I think that if we got a page to layout our Campaign ideas it would be nice but a session manager or journal would be amazing. So we can keep track of time and progression. If it was just set up as a hierarchical posting structure so as our characters moved through the content we could update the post.


    PS if you could select the time frame that it took them to get through the content you could have a timeline showing progression. (real-time or even in-game time) <-- That would be cool. 

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    I Co-DM a few games. Lots of fun to plot with a fellow DM and we always end up using Google Docs. Something similar in DDB would be great, especially if it had real-time collaboration. Maybe use something like togetherJS from Mozilla?

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    🎧 Steven Myers

    As I DM, I like to prep character voices, descriptions, etc. beforehand so I don't end up going back to the same 2-3 accents in game and/or forget who a character is later in the campaign.  I use Google Docs, but a lot of my session notes could be simplified into comments left in my copy of the source book, like those left in Word or Google Docs, and then I wouldn't have to swap between multiple tabs or copy big blocks of text from the DDB sources into a Google Doc

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