Changing Subscription Model
Not plannedI would recommend a model change to your subscription packages. If you are wanting players to pay for your content. I would recommend a different strategy.
Currently, you have a subscription service, that seems to be a little lackluster.
I propose a similar rent-to-own model. You might have seen it with Packt Publishing books.
Essentially you pay like $15-20 a month for access to the whole library. Each month that you have the subscription, you also get a credit. You can then use credits to purchase books/items. If you purchase a book with credits, you then have permanent access to said book.
This promotes an ability to get books when they come out. Save their credits for new content. But also have the ability to pay for access of things that you don't necessarily have books for.
Just an idea.
Official comment
Hi there!
Thanks for reaching out with your feature request. I have gone ahead and filed a feature request with the product manager for consideration.
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