Loot Function




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    This is planned as part of the inventory management enhancements we have planned to start in 2019.

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    Kyle E Manderscheid

    This could work so well with the random loot tanks in DMG. Push one button, dragon board is generated.

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    Melissa Mary Doucette

    I would love something of this sort. Some kind of DM interface where I can select an item I have prepared, and then select a party member to automatically add it to their inventory.

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    Darrel Kent

    Take a hint from Fantasy Grounds Parcels......bring this to DDB!

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    Stephen Hart

    A loot generator incorporated would be great. I don't often remember ahead of time, and it'd be nice to be able to hit a button based on the encounter difficulty and then be able to modify from there.

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    Another great thing that would be great to a part of this would be making it so they don't have to reload the page to see it appear in their inventory.

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    Daniel Clay Floyd

    "This is planned as part of the inventory management enhancements we have planned to start in 2019." …. Errr… any update on that because its August and is still in the Long term Planned section of the road with no comments made since January... We are running out of time for "Start in 2019" because this keeps getting pushed back in priority with no updates of intent or progress.... /sigh. 

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    Billy Eason

    I would like to include shops as part of inventory management. For instance to generate a table or to manually create a table that I could save for future use that would include things that I would find in a weapons shop. Present this table to my players as "menu"  of items that they would be allowed to purchase from and add to their character sheet that would also deduct a price set by the DM.

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    Even having a "Favorite Loot" or "Campaign Loot" list the DM can curate, something easy to reference, would be huge.

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