Homebrew/Custom Languages
I would like to be able to add homebrew/custom languages to my campaign, races, subraces, and race variants. For example if I wanted to remove the Common language from my game and limit my player characters to choosing languages based on their cultures or geographic locations in the campaign setting.
Definitely would like this - per campaign 'language packs' would be brilliant for all my different countries' languages.
Also the ability to delete 'Common' as a PC's language since:
- not everyone necessarily speaks it
- in my world there are two 'Common's, depending on which side of the Grey Mountains you are :D And I'm sure I'm not alone
Sign me up for this, too. I treat Common as a trade language, useful for barter, trade, and business, but not great at non-trade conversations. For those, characters use regional languages, much like switching from French to Italian to German, etc., depending on location. It makes spells like Comprehend Languages and Tongues extremely useful, and encourages characters to learn at least one other regional language.
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