Character Subfolders on "My Characters" page




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    Rich Gaunt

    I think there needs to be a way to organise characters, for sure, but there may well be a better way to do it than folders.

    I don't have any bright ideas on that front myself right now though.

    Being able to access all of my characters via a filter is really handy and needs to stay, so when I am thinking, "I tested that on a fighter character a while back" I can filter to just fighter characters.

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    Phillip Ponzer

    I use a Chrome Extension to help with this:

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    Metal Homer

    I think the most important is to differentiate between active and inactive characters.

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    As a DM - this would be great to organize characters I've built for specific campaigns/story arcs.

    As a player - this would be great to be able organize copies of a single that were made each time before leveling in order to track decisions made over time (or even planning future leveling decisions).

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    Justin Swank

    I build lots of npc with dndbeyond as character concepts

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    James Endicott

    I'd imagine that folders would be easier than using tags (the other thing that I think would be a sensible solution).

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    Craig Silvey

    Tags like gmail would be helpful to allow a character to be classified in multiple ways that folders would not.  Just having a way to SORT would be helpful.


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    Ronald Johnson

    If nothing else, just let us alphabetically sort characters.

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    Mark Bunney

    I'm glad someone else has suggested this and that I checked before posting the suggestion myself as I too would love to see something like this.

    I am not a DM but I am constantly trying out new builds and character idea's.  I often build characters out to level 20 and then make duplicates to see how the build could work at different levels, or make duplicates with slight changes to see how they compare.  Having several versions of the same characters makes the 'My Characters' page really confusing.  Character folders or some sort or something to facilitate this would be a massive help and I can't imagine it would a massive amount of work to implement though I am no developer.

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    Trevor Gerard

    Yes please!!!

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    YES PLEASE, gods, I have so many NPC's I wanna make but I don't wanna clutter up my character pile anymore
    also if you could make files in files, so you can group NPC'S by campaign (if your running multiple) or family/guild/ect

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    Evan Messenlien

    Is this still planned? Because I have done quite a bit of googling and it seems it used to be on the roadmap but has disappeared. I was thinking that the searching functionality that has been added may have been what they ended up doing but it very obviously isn't folders.

    Hopefully it can still be done and hopefully not in too long since the extension that always gets mentioned in regards to this is discontinued.

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    Vis S

    Evan Messenlien: The DDB roadmap ( has just been restructured to display info in a way that's more helpful to users and easier for other staff to update - something not being on there doesn't mean it's no longer planned, just that it's not something planned for the next quarter or two.

    See the update to this post for more info:

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    I like that characters that have died get a label on their listing, but i think the most helpful way would be to assign a status to each character, and then display them exactly as they currently are but under different subheadings.
    Personally, i would love to have active characters at the top, a section for dead characters, and a section for retired characters. 

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