Larger portrait options and description page



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    Danny Novo

    See also: Physical description made public

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    Luke Tarver

    As long as we can still have a closeup crop for the small portraits.

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    This would be a really great addition to show other people what your character looks like and bring life to a character sheet if visible in the header or something. Currently I have to save a large version to my phone or host it to have something available.

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    Bradley Windsor

    The current portrait is so small I can barely see it.  I want to be able to import some of my art, and my friends art, to really show off my character.  The ability to share the picture with others in the campaign on VTT would be awesome too.

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    Kirk Shipp

    I would really like for them to have a wide open template character builder like you use for Hero Forge to make a custom mini.  Hero Forge prints minis with such a concept so it's a very small and easily done idea to make a custom character generator for D&D.  Then we could have the option to have just a portrait or a full sized image on our character sheet that we print out.  You guys are so beast at helping players & DMs enjoy the greatest table top game that I am quite certain that this task is way within the skill set of your very talented department.  Now roll a Cha Save 25!!!!

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