Homebrew Base Class Support




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    I have shared this is something we have not planned to do with the complexity of a base class versus subclasses, but we have changed that stance based on feedback over the last year.

    Whenever this is initially made available, it will include current modifier capability and very likely NOT cover the limitless possibilities for mechanics/ resources for some of the more divergent base classes out there. If you have a base class that uses mechanics similar to official classes, you should be able to get by.

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    Sam Henry

    YES!! this is amazing thanks @BadEye

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    I realize this would be complicated, but class creation could start having a "build basic class" button and a "build advanced class" button. Basic classes would be simple, using the mechanics that are presently available. Advanced classes would allow you to create/define/name a resource pool, rename and label each current resource, then allow you to create abilities where you can use Boolean comparisons to get specific outcomes.

    For example: Action, cost: hit dice (1), bonus: 1st level spell slot (1). Reset: short or long rest.

    This is simple, it lets you use an action and spend a hit die to gain a 1st level spell slot. This ability would show up in the character's action list, and pressing the "use" button would spend a hit die and increase the available 1st level spell slots the character has. Your total number of 1st level spell slots would reset after a short or long rest.

    Allowing (potentially) every action, spell, or resource to interact with each other resource would take some doing (and some long drop down menus), but for those who want to create more advanced classes, I think this would be an answer. Allowing the creator to string comparisons with no arbitrary limitations would let imaginations go wild without making DDB think of every possible combination and implement it.

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    Andrew Welker

    This is the absolute best news.

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    John Lubbers

    I really want this so I can recreate some of the cool base player classes from the 3.5e ‘complete’ books: Complete Adventurer, Complete Warrior, etc. For example I loved playing a swashbuckler, and while its available as a sub-class for rogue there are a ton of cool unique classes out there where making them a sub-class of the existing classes just doesn’t work as well. Honestly I would prefer to just work within the official classes but one of the gripes I have with 5e is that the class system seems much more rigid; once you pick a class and sub-class at lvl 3 you’re pretty much locked in to how your character will develop with very little room very differences from one character to another. No skill points to divvy up, no prestige classes to multi-class into. So creating a home-brew class lets you create something unique and recapture some of that crazy in-the-weeds detail of 3.5 

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    Donovan Arthen

    Thank you for starting down this road Adam!

    It will make such a difference to all of us who work on personalizing the game through our imaginations and support this community so much!

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    Luke T Carlson

    Any updates on this?

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    Ronald Janssen's proposal for a "Homebrew class interim solution" is a brilliant idea.

    Tell Steve to skip lunch on Wednesday, and implement that.  It's not ideal, but it's bonkers simple, and will shut most of us up while you guys get around to implementing the Homebrew overhaul properly.

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    Brandon Gervais

    OrbitalBliss I agree, just having a blank sheet that I could just fill in with text would make everything work perfectly. I don't use half of the automated features anyways, I just want it to say the things I want to make it easier for my players instead of having to look at their sheet with wrong information, and then the actual class guide. (for example, gods only know why they abandoned the revised ranger UA, it wasn't OP by any means and finally made rangers viable, you could be a beastmaster hunter that actually had a functioning pet, it was great, but is not available because it was abandoned)

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    Drew Herrema

    One first step for this could be allowing people to change the primary stat for a class. Allowing for an Int based warlock or a Wisdom based Bard. There are many concepts that I can't do as well on Beyond that would be no problem with pen and paper.

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    I want this more than I want this more than any other suggestion I've seen. Is there any way to keep in the loop about this particular planned feature?

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    Taylor Hinchcliff

    I've got a whole list of classes that my players and I would love to create and use on the DNDBeyond platform. Really looking forward to this feature in the hopefully near future!

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    Luis M. Burset-Cuevas

    Any updates on this or the "Homebrew class interim solution" ? 

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    Kyle Travers

    I know this is marked as planned, but it has been removed from the feature roadmap. Is this still planned, or no? I just homebrewed a ton of races and then realized I cannot enter my Homebrew classes because the feature is unavailable. I have wasted so much time only to discover I cannot play my game on dndbeyond.

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    Doug Coughler

    With the number of publishers creating 3rd party content for 5e which includes new classes, this becomes more prevalent all the time.  I have at least a half dozen settings that I've purchased that have new classes that cannot be used in D&D Beyond at the moment. I would further suggest that the cost of developing the toolset for creating custom classes would be significantly less than the cost of negotiating contracts with the 3rd party publishers directly (remember Bilgewater?), and may even aid in the creation of new official classes should Wizards of the Coast ever release new classes with their upcoming sourcebooks.

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    Jesus christ, how long can it take? You can even fix it quickly by letting us replace base class features when homebrewing subclasses.

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    Doug Coughler

    Jesus christ, how long can it take? You can even fix it quickly by letting us replace base class features when homebrewing subclasses.

    If it was that easy, they would have done it already. How long can it take? *VERY* long, depending on how the framework was designed. Then you have to test it and make sure it doesn't break something else.  Software design isn't trivial. It took a month to be able to put customized items into a bag. To do it right, takes time. I test software, and I've seen rushed software and software updated correctly.

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    Erik Manley

    3 years later, still waiting patiently for this to be added. It would change the game for me in all reality. I'd never use another site for my character sheets or dungeon mastery again.

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    TJ Dodenhoff

    I LOVE Mage Hand Press classes and would love to see them in D&D Beyond. Please make this happen. I'd love to create a Binder here.

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    Lucas Armstrong

    It has been 3 years and yet I haven’t seen anything on this yet, does anyone know when it will be implemented I have a ton of classes I want to add so my players can use them, especially with no other platform that has such a robust interface.

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    Dominic Addenbrooke

    Any news?

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    Luis M. Burset-Cuevas

    I haven't heard anything, but as far as i know the planned status means nothing. Its been 3 years and we haven't even gotten the rough and dirty workaround. 

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    Caleb Little

    Man, I Hope they Get this done

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