Third Party Material
I understand that you guys are already trying to get this. And I understand that you need to keep it clear what's official as an official D&D tool. But figured I'd put this in the queue to help gauge support.
Currently thinking about Kobold Press.
I would love Kobold Press, Frog God Games, Arcanis, Cubicle 7, Sword and Sorcery's setting, and others added to the licensed material section or whatever. Then you could add 3rd Party publishing to the options in the Character maker. Just like Critical Role content. Have a disclaimer that its not official. Problem Solved.
I would love to see Kobold Press included. Tome of Beasts, Creature Codes, Midgard Heroes Handbook, Southland Heroes, Midgard Heroes, Unlikely Heroes, Items Wondrous Strange, Tales from the Old Magreve, Demon Cults & Secret Societies. So much great material that could be added!
And soon Empire of the Ghouls, Deep Magic, and Tome of Beasts 2.
This is awesome material.
I would love to see a way for those publishing on DM's Guild to integrate their offerings with DnDBeyond. Because a lot of my players are dependent/highly prefer using DnDBeyond, it's hard to bring in custom mechanics or races from DM's Guild content unless I model it all manually myself. Having good integration with material on DM's Guild would open up a lot of more purchasing for DM's like myself.
I run Kobold Press heavy, Midgard-based games. Without Kobold Press content, I have no reason to use the platform. D&D Beyond would have been a great platform for my face-to-face group that's going online during social distancing, and a couple of players asked about it, but I had everyone sign up with Roll20 even though we're largely playing over Discord because I have Kobold Press content in Roll20 to share.
I understand they can't add every third party publisher out there, but Kobold Press, which seems to be the most requested publisher on here, has certainly been vetted and earned its place. It was some of the kobolds, after all, who did the Rise of Tiamat adventures and Ghosts of Saltmarsh. I imagine there are behind the scenes issues D&D Beyond can't discuss, but I remain hopeful we'll get Kobold Press on here one day.
They've been asked this question numerous times (by me at least twice). It's clear that they would love to add third party products. It's also clear that their current license with WotC doesn't allow it. Adam has also said pretty clearly that they have been trying to find a a way to make it happen. They may succeed or fail, but they are trying. Fingers crossed.
That said, the more people who voice a desire for it the better, as it gives them incentive to prioritize trying to make it happen.
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