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    James Endicott

    I hope the containers include a box to indicate whether it counts against your carry capacity or not. Stuff in my backpack should count (until I take it off) but stuff in a carriage never should.

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    Containers, or at the very least the ability to quickly indicate what is being carried and what is not (not counting the weight) is sorely missing...
    There are DMs out there that are using the encumbrance rules...


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    William Bossier

    this seems like this fits in one of the others related to inventory management tools.

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    Danny Novo

    There is, here, and it is more fully explored, but has lower upvotes, so in the interest of getting noticed...

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    To be fair it's not super-simple either.

    I didn't realise there was a new procedure for feature requests, so I posted a thread in the old forum where I tried to detail all the features required to make this fully work properly:

    There's actually a fair bit to it, but to quickly summarise:

    • Basic Containers: This is the putting stuff into containers part, ideally with tracking of total weight inside the container.
    • Special Containers: Handling for Bag of Holding and such, which can be lighter than their contents, and shouldn't be able to contain other bags of holding.
    • Equipping/Dropping: To handle encumbrance better, containers should be equipable (add weight to the player) and droppable (remove weight from the player).
    • Attached Items: We need the ability to mark items inside containers as attached, to prevent them counting against the containers capacity. This would be for backpacks etc.
    • Vehicles & Mounts: These are special cases of container that are never equipped, but still important as they determined what the party can take with them. Mounts can be attached to vehicles to calculate the total capacity of the vehicle.

    In the thread I go into a lot more detail on all of these, plus a few other supplementary features.

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    Rick Ellis

    +1 for containers

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    I have my low-Str character drop their backpack during a fight to avoid taking penalties during combat, keeping only the most important items in a separate pouch.
    Eventually, I lose track of the exact weight of everything they are carrying as items are gained and lost. It would be very useful to be able to indicate when the backpack is carried vs dropped in DnD Beyond, so I could know exactly what weight I have. As it stands, I just have to turn off the encumbrance feature and hope I'm not fudging the numbers too badly. 
    I did notice you can override the weight by typing a 0 in Weight override, perhaps this would be a good solution in the meantime, but it doesn't work for toggling a large number of items on and off easily. 

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    I really hope this includes an ability to manage inventory for vehicles like ships and carts too. Dunno about anyone else, but I'm constantly leaving things inside the groups traveling cart to avoid being over-encumbered. And in another campaign we just pooled our gold to buy a ship, so after we claim our cabins, it'd be great if we could also manage the inventory of that too. Also, maybe on that venue, being able to manage inventory within a container, withing another container would be useful too... We D&D players seem to come in two flavors; OCD or forgetful of inventory. And, though DnDBeyond has helped reduce the amount of paper I use for my inventory management. That little text window in the inventory tab of the character sheet is getting quite crowded :P

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    Bryan Truhan

    I'd think this would extend to Bags of Holding like items as well.  You should be able to store items in these "containers" so it takes away the weight - or like above (Peteranimator) said - in backpacks so you could just unequip the backpack (or drop it) and it would drop that weight for you so you wouldn't have to unequip or overwrite weight to 0 for a low Str Character.

    And extending that to wagons - so their weight wouldn't go against your Carrying Capacity as well (although there would be a weight capacity for those I'm sure)

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    Greg Craill

    UP VOTE .... So how many quarters does this item sit in next quarter on the trello board before it gets picked up into this quarter? Personally I don't give a fiends butt for more dice sets that I'm not going to buy, but I would be hellish keen on containers that are useful to use ...

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    Tali Wah

    I need containers now...

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    Yeah they have; I assume there's an article upcoming about it, and it was mentioned on their weird new feedback portal system (not sure where that leaves this one).

    Does still have some features missing; for example Bags of Holding don't nullify the weight of their contents, and there's no indicator of how much weight a container is holding, nor is there any way to designate items as attached rather than inside (such as for ropes on a backpack) to track those separately.

    Overall it's a good start though, functional enough to be useful, just missing some of the details.

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    Tom Moses

    If I could, I started a thread about this separately but reading this I wonder if it would apply.  Could we get items like Rings of Spell Storing, Spell Scrolls, etc treated as containers for spells?  For a ring of spell storing, for example, it could hold 5 slots for spells but if you choose a 3rd level spell then 2 slots left.  Also, can we take into account metamagic effects as applicable if there is a sorcerer in the party?

    Also for Carts or Ships, how possible would it be to list these as "party" containers in the campaign collection block as "Party Equipment"?  Like it's own character selection in the campaign collection.  That way anyone in the party can access these as needed would be a great way to handle Carts, for example, I might be asking too much here but perhaps also include speed, AC, and hit points indicators that show how fast it can travel with mounts attached based on the strength of the mount, etc.  

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    Paul Potsides

    Is it me, or have they released this without telling anyone? Went onto my character sheet (mobile web view) and saw the ability to add/move items into my backpack or my component pouch! Doesn't seem to obey weight limits or set contents to 0 weight for a bag of holding yet, but its a start!

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    Alex Sinkowski

    I would recommend watching the last 3 Dev Updates they stream on Twitch as I believe this has been a topic on each episode.  They identify this is only the first iteration of the implementation and talk a bit about their big plan to take it further (with some clues shared for their vision).

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    Robert Giroux

    Seems like is something that should have been thought of a long time ago. Even Core Rules had this option back in the day. And yes, I realize I am showing my age.

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    Jared S Heath

    Why isn't this fairly simple thing already in?

    Don't tell me its hard.  I've been doing software development for 20 years.   Its not hard.

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    Carl-hermann Freese

    Yah.. wondering something similar.
    next quarter 2 or 3 years ago.
    That said it may be harder than it sounds.
    and might work better divided into pieces.


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    Olov Steinwall

    Any news on this feature?

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    If you need a temporary workaround, you can override the weight of equipment and set it to 0 to represent them being put inside the bag of holding. This will cause them to be marked as customised.

    This gives you the correct weight and a kind of indicator for which items are in the bag or not.

    It's not super convenient though, and it runs afoul of the long standing DDB bug whereby newly added items don't save overrides (you have to refresh the sheet and re-apply any changes).

    Definitely would be better to have containers properly supported.

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    This would be great for sorting bags of holding without making a separate character sheet just for it

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    Paul Potsides

    Never thought of using a separate character sheet for a bag of holding.  However, it's still not right as you can't override carry capacity.  The closest I've got to a character who can carry 500 lbs is a Goliath with 17 Strength which can carry 510 lbs.

    I've actively held off giving my players a bag of holding, hoping that this feature would be implemented.

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    Devin Birtciel

    Probably is obvious to most of the people who requested this, but since most of the comments focus on encumbrance it would be great if access to a container could be set to everyone in the party or just individuals for things like backpacks, bags of holding, castle vaults etc.

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    Carl-hermann Freese

    As an Artificer I use a component pouch,( belt) as the container that holds proficient tools and basics magic supplies for them. So being able to put them their does help.

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    Das Ankou

    Why isn't this marked complete? Is this support site dead? or not moderated anymore?

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