Allow DDB accounts to join a campaign before making a character



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    David Snow

    Oh god, THIS.

    About 50% of my table are people that are brand new to D&D. This has caused me all sorts of problems. ("I can only see a few domains for my Cleric, why aren't the ones in the book here also?")

    To get around this problem, I have to literally have a 'Session 0' over coffee, get some of the basics settled with them (i.e. race/class), create a blank 'unclaimed' character for them, and then email the link over. Extra work for me.

    I think a new DM's job is hard enough without something like this in the way.

    And, it's a big negative to the new player experience. I've had to do some extra 'convincing' for new players to try the system because of that.


    I can dream:

    [Join Campaign]


       [ Choose one of your existing characters ]  or  [ Create a new character in this campaign ]

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    Melissa Mary Doucette

    You can currently create a character instead of adding an existing one when joining a campaign. It is a rather large, bright blue box that shows before the character selection: "CREATE A CHARACTER".

    However, I upvoted this request because I would like for players to be able to see the Campaign Notes before making their character.

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    Danny Novo

    Melissa, does that process of creating a character to join with offer access to shared content? I can't really test it because I own a lot of the books, so it's not clear to me if I can see options I normally wouldn't be able to see when I try it out.

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    Melissa Mary Doucette

    @Danny Novo, yes it does. Creating a character from the campaign join link would allow access to any materials that have been shared. :)

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    James S Duck

    What I'd love to see is a radio button toggle like the "MTG" and "Eberron" content with the name of the shared campaign.  So if you were in two shared campaigns, you'd only be able to select one of those as valid character options for the rest of the creation and totally forgo the current steps of having to create the character inside the campaign's special button you only use once.  At the end of the character creation, you could even add a new selector "Add this character to shared campaign" or just have it do that by default based on whatever shared campaign was selected at the start.

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    This has already been a feature for as long as I can remember, and I've used the site for over 2 years. You click the campaign join link, and it gives you a list of your characters to choose from to add. At the bottom of that list is a create new character button, which creates the character within the campaign.

    EDIT: It's actually a big blue button at the top of the list.

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