Metric units convertion button
I have said this on the forums way back when but might as well put it here to see if there is any interest.
What I want is just a toggle button that converts all the imperial units to metric on beyond
This is a topic we have talked about in our group
One major problem that we have at the table as a none English speaking country is that the group can't picture imperial units in our head natively. So we have a sense of disconnect to make the world real in our minds and every time we have to take a quick break to check the printed out conversion tables it breaks the immersion.
Another consequence that I see on my players is that they start thinking in tactical squares since we know a square is 5 feet so a deception of a building being 200 feet away they think "40 squares away" on a grid (since 5 feet means nothing to our minds, it's just a unit for squares). So instead of picturing the living city of Waterdeep they just see a tactical battle grid and that can also break the roll playing immersion, but it's great for combat.
So by the three pillars standard: Exploration, Rollplaying, Combat. Without Metric units Rollplaying takes a little hit but combat gains somewhat and makes them out of balance.
It does not have to be an exact conversion just round it the numbers from past editions 5 feet = 1.5m
DM: About 1000 feet away from you on the hill stands a lone tower with lights coming out from it.
Player 1 *Thoughts*: 200 squares away! Got it!
Player 2 *Thoughts*: 1000 feet = 1000 m (3280ft) so the tower is very far away
Player 3 *Thoughts*: Who cares how long away it is! CHARGE! COMBAT WOO!
I notice that youve coupled english speaking with imperial, and would like to mention that only america uses the imperial system. It would be nice to have metric in a bracket next imperial measurements for sure. Currently I just quick calc it in my head as 1ft = .3m (30cm or 300mm)
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