Love the new Containers and I'd like to see: warning message? spell components? copied? weight/capacity?
Hi there! Love the containers!
1) Currently, if you remove a container that has items, it will remove the container AND all of those items. Is it possible, when you remove a container that has items in it, to give a warning message like: This container has items in it. Removing the container will also remove all the items. Do you really want to proceed? Yes/No
2) I notice that you made Component Pouches into containers. As a Life Cleric, I would love to be able to track some of the items that I have that are specifically mentioned spell components, such as 25 GP worth of powdered silver for Ceremony (1st), 50 GP worth of ruby dust for Continual Flame (2nd), 100 GP mix of powdered silver and iron for Magic Circle (3rd), 300 GP worth of diamond dust for Revivify (3rd) and so on. Please consider adding these specifically mentioned spell components to the D&D Beyond inventory lists!!! (They add up fast!)
3) I like to make a "backup" copy of my character before a game session, so that after the session, I can check to see if I've added and subtracted everything I should from that session. However, when I made a copy of my character, ALL of the Containers are empty; none of the items within the Containers copied! Please consider making the items in the Containers copy when you copy a character!
4) I would really love it if each Container showed the weight of the items in it and the weight capacity of the item - so I can easily tell whether I can add something new or not. For example, a backpack has a 30# capacity and my backpack has 28# in it. If I click on Backpack, at the top it says Backpack (13) and then lists the items. Is it possible to add 28/30 pounds to the line with Backpack (13)? If it also displayed the total value of the contents, that would be even better! (Especially if someone cut my Bag of Holding and absconded with it! I could instantly see the value I'd need to have to replace all those items. IF I could ever find another Bag of Holding!)
Thank you!
By the way, I realize that in terms of the Spell Components, you can only add things with the permission of Wizards of the Coast - because we ALL want you to keep your agreements with them!!!
The spell components I am mentioning are listed / written out within the spells themselves. For example, see the Ceremony spell:
At the top, the M for Material Components has an asterisk (*).
And, at the bottom, the asterisk is explained:
25 gp worth of powdered silver, which the spell consumesOne way to find all of them might be to search for all spells where the M has an asterisk ... and then add those items to the inventory - IFF you're allowed to under your current agreements with Wizards of the Coast. 💜
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