Love the new Containers and I'd like to see: warning message? spell components? copied? weight/capacity?



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    By the way, I realize that in terms of the Spell Components, you can only add things with the permission of Wizards of the Coast - because we ALL want you to keep your agreements with them!!!

    The spell components I am mentioning are listed / written out within the spells themselves. For example, see the Ceremony spell:

    At the top, the M for Material Components has an asterisk (*).
    And, at the bottom, the asterisk is explained:
    25 gp worth of powdered silver, which the spell consumes

    One way to find all of them might be to search for all spells where the M has an asterisk ... and then add those items to the inventory - IFF you're allowed to under your current agreements with Wizards of the Coast. 💜

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    Spell Components and other containers should have an option that if a weapon/spell is used it uses the component/ammo related to the action. So the ranger can keep shooting until they run out of arrows or a wizard can use up components and have to get replacements.

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